鹿児島大学大学院 医歯学総合研究科 心臓血管・高血圧内科学

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Department of Cardiovascular Medicine and Hypertension, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Kagoshima University




American Heart Association Resuscitation Science Symposium 2019(2019年11月, Philadelphia, USA)

  • Ohmure K, Miyata M, Tagata K, Yokomine T, Nomoto Y, Imamura S, Kawasoe M, Chaen H, Oketani N, Ogawa M, Ohishi M.
  • Comparison of prognostic predictors after return of spontaneous circulation between cardiac and non-cardiac cardiopulmonary arrest.
  • Uchikado Y, Ikeda Y, Sasaki Y, Akasaki Y, Ohishi M.
  • Metabolic stress causes mitochondrial dysfunction and vascular senescence via angiotensin II type I receptor signal / Rho kinase induced mitochondrial fission.