第82回 日本循環器学会学術集会(2018年3月, 大阪)
- 川添 晋, 窪薗琢郎, 吉福士郎, 小島聡子, 宮田昌明, 宮原広典, 前之原茂穂, 大石 充.
- Uric acid level and incidence of atrial fibrillation in Japanese general population.
- 堀添善尚, 髙﨑州亜, 宮田昌明, 窪田佳代子, 水上尚子, 湯淺敏典, 木佐貫 彰, 大石 充.
- Analysis of biphasic right ventricular outflow Doppler waveform in patients with pulmonary hypertension; estimation of pulmonary vascular resistance.
- Sasaki Y, Ikeda Y, Iwabayashi M, Akasaki Y, Higuchi K, Miyata M, Ohishi M.
- Estrogen maintains mitochondrial function and retards vascular senescence via Rab9-dependent mitophagy.
- Sasaki Y, Ikeda Y, Iwabayashi M, Akasaki Y, Higuchi K, Miyata M, Ohishi M.
- Inhibition of angiotensin II type 1 receptor retards development of cellular senescence and atherosclerosis via augmentation of Rab9-dependent mitophagy.
- Ojima S, Kubozono T, Kawasoe S, Miyata M, Ohishi M.
- Left ventricular diastolic function evaluated by E’ is independent predictor for exercise capacity in patients with preserved ejection fraction.
- Ojima S, Kubozono T, Kawasoe S, Miyata M, Ohishi M.
- Comparison in the association of muscle strength and exercise capacity between chronic heart failure and pulmonary hypertension.
- 岩谷徳子, 窪田佳代子, 宮永 直, 大石 充.
- Mean pulmonary arterial pressure at final balloon pulmonary angiop lasty predicts the improvement of exercise capacity after one-year in CTEPH patients.
- Shimono H, Kajiya T, Takaoka J, Arima R, Miyamura A, Inoue T, Ninomiya T, Atsuchi Y, Atsuchi N, Ohishi M.
- Left ventricular diastolic function assessed by tissue Doppler echocardiography is associated with long-term prognosis in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction.
- Shimono H, Kajiya T, Takaoka J, Arima R, Miyamura A, Inoue T, Ninomiya T, Atsuchi Y, Atsuchi N, Ohishi M.
- Comparison of in-stent restenosis after second and third generation drug-eluting stent implantation between acute coronary syndrome and stable angina pectoris.
- Tabata Y, Yoshino S, Miyata M, Kanda D, Anzaki K, Ohmure K, Uchikado Y, Ohishi M.
- Hyperuricemia is associated with endothelial dysfunction and morphological abnormalities of neointima after drug-eluting stents deployment assessed by optical coherence tomography.
- 水上尚子, 大園七瀬, 湯之上真吾, 小林沙織, 前之園隆一, 堀添善尚, 茶圓秀人, 湯淺敏典, 髙﨑州亜, 木佐貫 彰, 大石 充.
- チーム医療セッション シンポジウム5.
日本超音波検査学会-日本循環器学会ジョイントシンポジウム. 経胸壁3D心エコー法を活かす.
経胸壁心エコー法における3D対応探触子を2D画像に活かす. - 波野史典, 山口宗一, 前之園隆一, 入來泰久, 奥井英樹, 市來仁志, 大石 充, 橋口照人.
- 心房細動アブレーションにおける血管内皮機能変化と血清primary microRNAの関連究明.