AHA Scientific Sessions 2014(2014年11月, シカゴ)
- 川添 晋.
- ポスターセッション:Exercise Physical Activity and Rehabilitation.
The Blood Glucose Concentration at Hospitalization is a Significant Predictor of In-Hospital Death in the Patients With Non-Diabetic Acute Decompensated Heart Failure. - 池田 義之.
- ポスターセッション:Autophagy and Mitochondrial Quality Control Mechanisms.
Prolonged Inhibition of Mitochondrial Fission Enhances Myocardial Injury in Response to Ischemia/Reperfusion. - 池田 義之.
- ポスターセッション:Autophagy and Mitochondrial Quality Control Mechanisms.
Mitochondrial Fission Plays a Crucial Role in Cardiomyocyte Adaptation to Energy Stress via Mitophagy. - 宮内 孝浩.
- ポスターセッション:Mechanisms of Atherosclerosis.
Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator Retards Arterial Senescence and Atherosclerosis Through Restoration of Down-regulated Sirt-1 in Post-menopause Model Mouse.