鹿児島大学大学院 医歯学総合研究科 心臓血管・高血圧内科学

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Department of Cardiovascular Medicine and Hypertension, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Kagoshima University




  • Yamaguchi H, Takaoka J, Miyamura A, Atsuchi N, Atsuchi Y, Terashima M, Kaneda H.
  • Coronary stent intussusception after intravascular ultrasound catheter removal optical coherence tomography finding.
    JACC Cardiovascular Interventions 2012; 5: 690-691.
  • Miyata M, Ikeda Y, Nakamura S, Sasaki T, Abe S, Minagoe S, Torii H, Lee S, Tateishi S, Kihara K, Ohba I, Kajiya S, Furusho Y, Hamasaki S, Tei C, Kagoshima Collaborate Trial in Metabolic Syndrome (KACT-MetS) investigators.
  • Effects of valsartan on fibrinolysis in hypertensive patients with metabolic syndrome: the KACT-MetS Study.
    Circ J 2012; 76: 843-851.
  • Miyata M, Sasaki T, Ikeda Y, Shinsato T, Kubozono T, Furusho Y, Kusumoto A, Hamasaki S, Tei C, COLD-CHF Investigators.
  • Comparative study of therapeutic effects of short- and long-acting loop diuretics in outpatients with chronic heart failure (COLD-CHF).
    J Cardiol 2012; 59: 352-358.
  • Takasaki K, Miyata M, Imamura M, Yuasa T, Kuwahara E, Kubota K, Kono M, Ueya N, Horizoe Y, Chaen H, Mizukami N, Kisanuki A, Hamasaki S, Tei C.
  • Left ventricular dysfunction assessed by cardiac time interval analysis among different geometric patterns in untreated hypertension.
    Circ J 2012; 76: 1409-1414.
  • Ichiki H, Oketani N, Ishida S, Iriki Y, Okui H, Maenosono R, Ninomiya Y, Matsushita T, Miyata M, Hamasaki S, Tei C.
  • Incidence of asymptomatic cerebral microthromboembolism after atrial fibrillation ablation guided by complex fractionated atrial electrogram.
    J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2012; 23: 567-573.
  • Furusho Y, Miyata M, Matsuyama T, Nagai T, Li H, Akasaki Y, Hamada N, Miyauchi T, Ikeda Y, Shirasawa T, Ide K, Tei C.
  • Novel therapy for atherosclerosis using recombinant immunotoxin against folate receptor β-expressing macrophages.
    J Am Heart Assoc 2012; 1: e003079.
  • Miyauchi T, Miyata M, Ikeda Y, Akasaki Y, Hamada N, Shirasawa T, Furusho Y, Tei C.
  • Waon therapy upregulates Hsp90 and leads to angiogenesis through the Akt-eNOS pathway in mouse hindlimb ischemia.
    Circ J 2012; 76: 1712-1721.
  • Tokushige A, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Iwabuchi M, Shizuta S, Tada T, Tazaki J, Kato Y, Hayano M, Abe M, Ehara N, Inada T, Kaburagi S, Hamasaki S, Tei C, Nakashima H, Ogawa H, Tatami R, Suwa S, Takizawa A, Nohara R, Fujiwara H, Mitsudo K, Nobuyoshi M, Kita T, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2 investigators.
  • Incidence and outcome of surgical procedures after coronary bare-metal and drug-eluting stent implantation: a report from the CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2.
    Circ Cardiovasc Interv 2012; 5: 237-246.
  • Kusumoto A, Miyata M, Kubozono T, Ikeda Y, Shinsato T, Kuwahata S, Fujita S, Takasaki K, Yuasa T, Hamasaki S, Tei C.
  • Highly sensitive cardiac troponin T in heart failure: comparison with echocardiographic parameters and natriuretic peptides.
    J Cardiol 2012; 59: 202-208.
  • Maenosono R, Oketani N, Ishida S, Iriki Y, Ichiki H, Okui H, Ninomiya Y, Hamasaki S, Namino F, Matsushita M, Tei C, Hashiguchi T.
  • Effectiveness of esophagus detection by three-dimensional electroanatomical mapping to avoid esophageal injury during ablation of atrial fibrillation.
    J Cardiol 2012; 60: 119-125.
  • Natsuaki M, Furukawa Y, Morimoto T, Nakagawa Y, Ono K, Kaburagi S, Inada T, Mitsuoka H, Taniguchi R, Nakano A, Kita T, Sakata R, Kimura T; CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG registry cohort-2 investigators (Hamasaki S).
  • Intensity of statin therapy, achieved low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and cardiovascular outcomes in Japanese patients after coronary revascularization. Perspectives from the CREDO-Kyoto registry cohort-2.
    Circ J 2012; 76: 1369-1379.
  • Kimura T, Morimoto T, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Nozaki Y, Tada T, Take S, Shirota K, Ito A, Nakashima H, Fujita H, Kawasaki T, Inada T, Nakao K, Miyazaki S, Doi O, Isshiki T, Nobuyoshi M, Mitudo K.
  • Antiplatelet therapy and Long-term clinical outcome after Sirolimus-eluting stent implantation: five-year outcome of the j-Cypher registry.
    Cardiovasc Interv Ther 2012; 27: 181-188.
  • Kato M, Kimura T, Morimoto T, Nishikawa H, Uchida F, Suzuki H, Hayashi Y, Kadota K, Mitsudo K; J-Cypher Registry Investigators (Nakashima H).
  • Comparison of five-year outcome of Sirolimus-eluting stent implantation for chronic total occlusions versus for Non-chronic total occlusion (from the j-Cypher registry).
    Am J Cardiol 2012; 110: 1282-1289.
  • Kimura T, Morimoto T, Natsuaki M, Shiomi H, Igarashi K, Kadota K, Tanabe K, Morino Y, Akasaka T, Takatsu Y, Nishikawa H, Yamamoto Y, Nakagawa Y, Hayashi Y, Iwabuchi M, Umeda H, Kawai K, Okada H, Kimura K, Simonton CA, Kozuma K; RESET Investigators (Nakashima H).
  • Comparison of everolimus-eluting and sirolimus-eluting coronary stents: 1-year outcomes from the Randomized Evaluation of Sirolimus-eluting Versus Everolimus-eluting stent Trial (RESET).
    Circulation 2012; 126: 1225-1236.
  • Miyauchi K, Daida H, Morimoto T, Hiro T, Kimura T, Nakagawa Y, Yamagishi M, Ozaki Y, Kadota K, Kimura K, Hirayama A, Kimura K, Hasegawa Y, Uchiyama S, Matsuzaki M; JAPAN-ACS Investigators (Nakashima H).
  • Reverse vessel remodeling but not coronary plaque regression could predict future cardiovascular events in ACS patients with intensive statin therapy--the extended JAPAN-ACS study.
    Circ J 2012; 76: 825-832.
  • Kimura T, Morimoto T, Nakagawa Y, Kawai K, Miyazaki S, Muramatsu T, Shiode N, Namura M, Sone T, Oshima S, Nishikawa H, Hiasa Y, Hayashi Y, Nobuyoshi M, Mitudo K; j-Cypher Registry Investigators (Nakashima H).
  • Very late stent thrombosis and late target lesion revascularization after sirolimus-eluting stent implantation: five-year outcome of the j-Cypher Registry.
    Circulation 2012; 125: 584-591.
  • Kohjitani A, Miyata M, Iwase Y, Sugiyama K.
  • Responses of the second derivative of the finger photoplethysmogram indices and hemodynamic parameters to anesthesia induction.
    Hypertens Res 2012; 35: 166-172.
  • Mitobe S, Togawa T, Tsukimura T, Kodama T, Tanaka T, Doi K, Noiri E, Akai Y, Saito Y, Yoshino S, Takenaka T, Saito S, Ohno K, Sakuraba H.
  • Mutant α-galactosidase A with M296I does not cause elevation of the plasma globotriaosylsphingosine level.
    Mol Genet Metab 2012; 107: 623-626.
  • Hirasada K, Niimura H, Kubozono T, Nakamura A, Tatebo M, Ogawa S, Tsunematsu N, Chiba S, Matsushita T, Kusano K, Miyata M, Takezaki T.
  • Values of cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI) between Amami islands and Kagoshima mainland among health checkup examinees.
    J Atheroscler Thromb 2012; 19: 69-80.
  • Sangaralingham SJ, Ritman EL, McKie PM, Ichiki T, Lerman A, Scott CG, Martin FL, Harders GE, Bellavia D, Burnett JC, Jr.
  • Cardiac micro-computed tomography imaging of the aging coronary vasculature.
    Circ Cardiac Imaging 2012; 5: 518-524.
  • Sun Z, Lee CJ, Mejia-Guerrero S, Zhang Y, Higuchi K, Li RK, Medin JA.
  • Neonatal transfer of membrane-bound stem cell factor improves survival and heart function in aged mice after myocardial ischemia.
    Hum Gene Ther 2012; 23: 1280-1289.
  • Pacienza N, Yoshimitsu M, Mizue N, Au BCY, Wang JCM, Fan X, Takenaka T, Medin JA.
  • Lentivector transduction improves outcomes over transplantation of human HSCs alone in NOD/SCID/Fabry mice.
    Mol Ther 2012; 20: 1454-1461.
  • Matsuo Y, Takumi T, Mathew V, Chung WY, Barsness GW, Rihal CS, Gulati R, McCue ET, Holmes DR, Eeckhout E, Lennon RJ, Lerman LO, Lerman A.
  • Plaque characteristics and arterial remodeling in coronary and peripheral arterial systems.
    Atherosclerosis 2012; 223: 365-371.
  • Kurtz TW, Kajiya T.
  • Differential pharmacology and benefit/risk of azilsartan compared to other sartans.
    Vasc Health Risk Mang 2012; 8: 133-143.
  • Ichiki T, Boerrigter G, Huntley BK, Sangaralingham SJ, McKie PM, Harty G, Harders EG, Burnett JC, Jr.
  • Differential expression of the pro-natriuretic peptide convertases corin and furin in experimental heart failure and atrial fibrosis.
    Am J Physiol Regul Integr Com Physiol 2012 (in press)
  • Yoshino S, Minagoe S, Yu B, Kosedo I, Yamashita M, Ishizawa M, Kono M, Setoguchi M, Nakashima H, Matsuoka T, Suehiro S, Yotsumoto G, Yamashita M, Tei C.
  • Cardiac tamponade due to rupture of coronary artery fistula to the coronary sinus with giant aneurysm of coronary artery: usefulness of transthoracic echocardiography.
    Heart Vessels 2012 (in press)
  • Yoshino S, Hamasaki S, Ishida S, Kataoka T, Yoshikawa A, Oketani N, Saihara K, Ichiki H, Kuwahata S, Fujita S, Takumi T, Yoshimoto I, Nakazaki M, Tei C.
  • Characterization of the effect of serum bilirubin concentrations on coronary endothelial function via measurement of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
    Heart Vessels 2012 (in press)
  • Yoshino S (1), Yoshikawa A (2), Hamasaki S, Ishida S, Oketani N, Saihara K, Okui H, Kuwahata S, Fujita S, Ichiki H, Ueya N, Iriki Y, Maenosono R, Miyata M, Chuwa Tei C. (1 and 2 is equally contributed)
  • Atrial fibrillation-induced endothelial dysfunction improves after restoration of sinus rhythm.
    Int J Cardiol 2012 (in press)
  • Tokushige A, Shiomi H, Morimoto T, Ono K, Furukawa Y, Nakagawa Y, Kadota K, Iwabuchi M, Shizuta S, Tada T, Tazaki J, Kato Y, Hayano M, Abe M, Hamasaki S, Tei C, Nakashima H, Mitsudo K, Nobuyoshi M, Kita T, Kimura T.
  • Influence of initial acute myocardial infarction presentation on the outcome of surgical procedures after coronary stent implantation: a report from the CREDO-Kyoto PCI/CABG Registry Cohort-2.
    Cardiovasc Interv Ther 2012 (Epub ahead of print)
  • Martin FL, Sangaralingham SJ, Huntley BK, McKIe PM, Ichiki T, Chen HH, Korinek J, Harders EJ, Burnett, JC, Jr.
  • CD-NP: A novel engineered dual guanylyl cyclase activator with anti-fibrotic actions in the heart.
    PLOS ONE 2012 (in press)
  • Hein T, Loo G, Ng WY, Tai BC, Kajiya T, Tan A, Khoo SM, Chan M, Low AF, Chia BL, Richards M, Lee CH.
  • Relationship between apnoea-hypopnoea index and angiographic coronary disease phenotypes in patients presenting with acute myocardial infarction.
    Acute Card Care 2012 (in press)
  • 昨年度追加分
  • Iriki Y, Ishida S, Oketani N, Ichiki H, Okui H, Ninomiya Y, Maenosono R, Matsushita T, Miyata M, Hamasaki S, Tei C.
  • Relationship between clinical outcomes and unintentional pulmonary vein isolation during substrate ablation of atrial fibrillation guided solely by complex fractionated atrial electrogram mapping.
    J Cardiol 2011; 58: 278-286.